Remove review meetings or elaborate design documents if they are not adding value and are only taking up time
Get out of the office and see exactly how your software could be used
Place a high premium on finding and nurturing high performers
Software projets should be broken up into manageable units developed by small teams
This involves developing prototypes or mock-ups and getting customer feedback
Implement appropriate management controls so that the outsourced components are developed on schedule and on budget
In building these systems, the designer starts from the knowledge that any omponent in the system might fail, while securing that such failures can't cause the failure of the system
The backup modules in our proposed architecture are contructed as simplified versions of the primary modules
Simplicity seeks to reduce the value of probability, while redundancy seeks to increase the value of redundancy
When a software module fails to perform its intended function due to a design or coding error, there are several ways in which this could work, at least in principle, but none are truly
Consinder a standard architecture consisting of software modules with well-defined interfaces